i love undergrads

Feb 18, 2008 22:35

Test Question #1: Why was William S. Gosset forced to create the t-test?

Student Answer #1: Because he is sampling bears instead of human beings. For human beings we have z-test but for bears we should have another type of test.

Student Answer #2: Because he needs money.

Test Question #2: One is testing to see if eating different types of fruits before a test affects the score. He uses the same people in each group. First, they eat a banana and take a test, then they eat an apple and take a similar test, then they eat an orange and take a similar test.

A) What are the problems with this experimental design?

Student Answer #1: A person who would do well on one test will most likely do well in all tests regardless of fruit eaten (will do well eating banana, apple and orange) because he might possibly be a genius.

B) Clearly and briefly explain what a carry-over effect would be?

Student Answer #1: If a person first eats a banana, and the banana makes them sick after they take the first test, and then they eat an apple but still feel really sick because of the bad banana. They therefore do poorly on the second test because they fell sick from the banana

Student Answer #2: Maybe that the more fruits that they eat, the fuller they will be so they might feel bloated and do worse in the subsequent tests after the 1st one

Student Answer #3: If banana's caused people to sleep at the first test, it would disrupt the process of the second or third test

Student Answer #4: the banana affects the taste of the apple and the orange

C) Clearly and briefly explain what an order effect would be?

Student Answer #1:Their score would improve from the first test because their mindsets are in the test taking mode...

Student Answer #2:Let's say if somehow there does exist some enhancing effect of different fruits on the test, then the stupid orange might feel like it had done a better job on test 3 at that point......unfortunately I forced it to face the truth that it was eaten last, and since it was the the third time people taking a similar test, they are supposed to do better. It was not because of the orange being effetive but just its luck to be eaten last...


omg that last one killed me
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