
Oct 13, 2007 08:33

I just watched Ang Lee's latest film--Lust, Caution--last night and I absolutely loved it.  Apparently one of the actors, Wang Lee-Hom, is super popular musician and all around celebrity in Taiwan and the rest of Asia, but I had never heard of him until yesterday.  Everyone kept on saying how hot he was too but I thought he was just so-so.  But I ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

zanthia122 October 14 2007, 03:04:44 UTC
I heard it wasn't that good from my other Chinese friends, but keep hearing the opposite from my American friends-- what does that say about the movie? >.>

I really really like the other leading actor, though. He's short and old but v. hot, in a... er, Alan Rickman way?


unagieater October 14 2007, 23:18:48 UTC
hahah that's interesting, all my chinese friends loved the movie and all my non-chinese friends thought it was so-so. then again, didn't lots of americans love crouching tiger, hidden dragon? i thought that movie sucked monkey balls.

oh gosh, i adore tony leung. he was so insanely hot in this movie guhhhhh ♥


zanthia122 October 15 2007, 09:34:19 UTC
OMG now you're making me want to see the movie just to see him. But it's x-rated or something, yeah? I will have to wait for the clean-flick version.

Have you seen him in Infernal Affairs??? My friends all gushed over Andy Lau but I was like, dude, Tony Leung is so much hotter.


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