Colouring Tutorial

Apr 04, 2006 20:24


I keep promising to post tutorials and then I never get around to it. Sorry! Anyway, this has been sitting on my hard drive for a while. It's pretty simple and I hope it's helpful. Oh and this icon was made using Photoshop CS2

1. Start with cropping your image to create your base.

2. Duplicate Layer and set to Screen > Opacity 100

Much clearer!

3. Now for some colour.

Add a new layer and fill with #7e8f69 Set to Soft Light > Opacity 100

4. Next we're going to add this gradient by 77words Set it to Color Burn > Opacity 100.

Right, now we can barely make out Skinner so add a layer mask to the gradient and using a soft round brush say Size 100 > Opacity 50 mask a bit of the area where he is in shadow.

Now he's clearer, but it's still a bit too dark.

5. Time to add another gradient again by 77words. This time we’ll set it to Soft Light > Opacity 30

6. Now for the finishing touch let's add a light texture. This one is by incarnatus

Set to Color Dodge > Fill 40

And that's it!

misc: tutorial

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