Aug 26, 2006 09:58
On my way to work every saturday morning on the corner of Sinclair and Moravia, there is a group of teenagers collecting donations. Instead of just shrugging my shoulders (when that became the national sign for "I don't have any money" I don't know) I decided to engage conversation:
Teenage Black Girl: Would you like to make a donation? (You may be thinking, "Why does Will have to say she's black?" trust me it'll demonstrate the on coming irony)
Me: What am I donating to?
Teenage Black Girl: It's a fundraiser for our youth group.
Me: I see. You kids could make a lot more money if you sold some baked goods. You should have plenty from the donations so far. It'd just take a little bit more effort.
(Momentary pause as my words sink in)
Teenage Black Girl: Fuck you Niggah.
I shrug, the light turns green, and I'm off to work.