gabbyclaus is a project i created for this year's christmas.
basically, it's a one hundred slot first come first serve request community
for fics, mixes and graphics by yours truly. there are links there for some
of my previous work, as well as my tv fandoms, and a formspring for people
to ask what other fandoms i'm into, the characters i like in them and what
ships i'd be willing to write for that aren't on the list. other explanations are
posted to the community. if you're interested, please, check it out, watch it
and make your very own request. i promise you will not regret it. and who
knows, maybe i'll make it a yearly thing if it works out. hope to see you there!
posting this here because i also accept requests for originals.
mods, if this isn't allowed, please delete it.
cross-posted to a million communities.