(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 16:49

We started watching 'A Beautiful Mind' today in Health. I've seen it before, so, it's not too exciting.
Tomorrow we're supposed to be performing with the Cornell choir, but, I have to work at the bowling alley, I 'forgot' to tell my dad I needed it off for the performance. So I haven't looked too hard, or found anyone, to work the counter for me tomorrow night. Darn! I still haven't told Mrs. Roeseler, so I don't know how she'll take it. I mean, it's not like I'm missing an actual school performance, this is just extra, so, oh well.

I'm not babysitting tonight, the kids don't have school tomorrow, so they went to their dad's house tonight. I figured I'd need extra money, so I took all the coins I found in my room last time I cleaned it, and went to the Coinstar at Tops. I made $31.65, go me. That's a little less than the $40 I'd be getting paid tonight, so it's no big. I put it in my checking account, along with $50 in my savings.
Speaking of my checking account, I got my checks in the mail today. They're very cute, and I like them lots.
Now, I can't wait for my debit card, since most places don't like checks, and it's easier to use a debit. Yey for debit!

My mother and I decided today that I'm getting my wisdom teeth 'carved' out (since only one of them actually broke the gums so far, that's what they'll be doing) during spring break. I'm a little less than thrilled for that. I'm getting it done then, because it's sooner, and I don't want to drag this out.

I'm not too sure what to do with myself tonight soooo...
I think that's about it.


debit, checks, teeth, money, wisdom teeth

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