You are Elizabeth Taylor! A stunning femme fatale.
You are constantly changing your mind about who
you love because you are admired by all members
of the opposite sex.
Which 1950s icon are you? brought to you by
Quizilla I'm Elizabeth Taylor?!
well it's a stretch.
in 48 hours, i won't be a member of the cast of TOMMY anymore. considering that i probably spent 48 hours in keating 1st in the past two's a relatively short time because now they're all smushed together. (not to mention for some of them i will still be in keating 1st) this is weird. i mean...clearly i've been in casts before and had shows end before. but this one seems unreal. it really doesn't feel like tonight in 12 hours we're going to be ready to open our show. i feel like we rehearsed for like...two weeks, not six. i feel like the first at least 3 weeks of this show were just a waste. if we'd been working and stuff... then i'd feel like it was time to put the show up and be done. that's the way i felt on the friday of rocky. that it was time to let it go. because it was. we'd rehearsed every single night and had to push opening back a week and in the end y'know what? our baby was born at the right time and it was solid. it was more than solid. it was something magical. and really, all we did was runthroughs for the last 2 weeks. i will never again bitch about it or compare it to how much better another show's direction was. rocky was wonderful. matt really made me realize that last night when we were talking in the freeeeezing cold and "blustery" night. we were really lucky to be a part of rocky horror. especially me. i was so lucky.... wow i've been trying to update this thing for like, a year. so i'll end it now.