Una frase .::. The Boulevard of Rum and the Street of Loneliness .::. Jack Sparrow

May 04, 2010 12:43

Tabla: Johnny Cash
Autor: mizuhi_chan
Claim: Jack Sparrow
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Rating: T
Notas: . #07, #25, #26 y #27 transcurren en el futuro.
Disclaimer: Piratas del Caribe y sus personajes pertenecen a Disney con todos sus derechos reservados.

(#07 - There are places I remember all my life)
(#10 - It should be a while before I see doctor Death)
(#17 - I find it very, very easy to be true)
(#25 - Every time I look at you I fall in love, all over again)
(#26 - And I still miss someone)
(#27 - I wear the black in mournin' for the lives that could have been)

tabla johnny cash

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