today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (notice the higher concentration of +s near the top)

Nov 06, 2006 22:17

+ "Siberian-Australiasan"

-riding on a very jerky bus and finding out my bus pass had expired about 8 hours earlier
+ having another bus pass
+++ Debbie (so much love)
++ Ashlette and Eric
++ coincidence
+ Overalls
+ getting hecksta math done
+ the word hecksta
+ my salad
+ siting with Laura Gorrin and her random math buddy
+/- talking to Winer about Guys & Dolls
+ Latin
- Catalina's Riddle (not the book, just the fact that i'm ridunculously behind)
- un-relenting cynicism towards anything Winer touches
+ Bible as Lit ("Can I hear an Amen?")
- Work for Bible a Lit
- my new table in math
+ the 4th floor of the C building
-------- environmental science, like your mother, up the *makes a face and corresponding noise*
- essay test on the House and Senate (fuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkkk............)
-Pol & Pow ("Can I get a general fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccc...........................?")
--this morning

oh yeah, and
+ your mother
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