I could tell more stories from the underbelly of teaching, but I don't think that would cheer me up right now. Let's leave it at, my students have recently taken to chanting horrible, extremely vulgar phrases at the top of their lungs at random. In the middle of class, a student who had been listening, just starts randomly screaming and banging away at their desks. Like you or I may chant for our favorite sports team ("Go team, Go team, Go team!!) or, more likely on my end, some sort of relief ("Snow Day, Snow Day, Snow Day!!" or even "Break-fast, Break-fast, Break-fast!!"), my students slam their fists on their desks and proclaim in their loudest voices, things ranging from sex acts to drug abuse slogans. And then, the saddest part, they look up at me all innocence and ask me what the horrible words they've just screamed mean, because with their second-grade reading level and access to R-rated movies among other things, they honestly don't know most of the time. My factual and dismissive answers don't really work here.
This weekend had been a bit of a hermity time for me, mostly waiting by the phone. I've moved about 20 steps closer to Boo Radely on the cat lady board game. Hm, I want to actually make that board game. Ha, already exists! Did not know that. Not sure if goal is the same as mine, but still:
Today I plan to break out a bit more because it is one of my favorite types of weather, the beautiful snow on the ground shiny sun combo.
Plans to travel: somewhere awesome this summer. Stay tuned for narrower options. This was, after all, originally supposed to be a travel journal for me (see first few entries). I just moved here in August, but still, I can't wait to actually travel again. Where should I go? Plans, plans, plans!