Dec 28, 2004 15:47
vacation has been really good, past few days have been awesome. lots of sledding and all that. i love snow =) just got back from cross sabers getin my snowboard for tommorow! excited about that too! *** night is in like 2 hours!! also excited for that!
do you ever wish you could go back in time and make a different decision or choice then the one you made. i know that at that moment its what you wanted and your not supose to have regrets or anything but what if you made the biggest mistakes and now your stuck. What if those decisions could have made your life better and complete... idk im just rambling i guess. just been doing wayyy too much thinking but neways im gunna stop.
well i might go visit rachel or just drive around cuz im extremly bored.
<3 JennaLee
WouldHaveMadeYouComplete .<3