So I'm totally psyched for next week! My Spring Break started (technically) around 2:45pm on Thursday, so fun has ensued since. Ok, so I did have a German class after that. But we didn't really do anything. We just read this creepy poem about a kid and his dad riding home and the kid hears this elf king and dies in his father's arms, then listened to a Rammstein song along the same theme with a boy and his dad on an airplane, voices say they want the little boy's soul, then the plane starts plummeting and the cabin pressure drops and the dad is so terrified he squeezes his son to death. Very amusing things, especially since I'm now reading The Purgatorio. Also, I'm joining some Art History club and MESSIER MARATHON WITH THE ASTRONOMY CLUB TOMORROW!!! Yays! I'm so excited!
And I'm coming home on Sunday, re-starting my job with Tanya on Monday, and sometime next week I'm going to talk to Bez about an internship with Great Hearts! I am honestly über excited about the internship. Like seriously, you have no idea. It brings me closer to being able to teach there after I graduate. Granted I want to teach Art, it's actually something I want to do and could see myself doing for a while. If the worst I have to do to get there and be able to stay in Arizona over the summer is work with Mrs. Mercado, then so be it. It shouldn't be so bad. Plus, I actually have clerical experience working with accountants. I'm practically a shoe-in! Seriously!
The only thing I'm not looking forward to is going home. I'm just not fond of my parents these days. I mean, I love them, but there are so many things that just bother me about them. I guess I do have issues with my parents, but there is a point where I just need to tell them to fuck off and I'm reaching that point. I mean, I tell them about the Great Hearts internship and I'm excited. They have already said they're going to rent the house out and rent a house in Temecula, so if I do get the internship I have somewhere to live. What's their reaction to the internship? "We'll work something out." Not a "that's awesome!" or even a "what do you have to do for it?" Just a "we'll work something out." As in, they'll find some way to cope with me not moving to California with them. I just don't want to do that and there is no way in Hell they're going to get me to do that easily, especially if there's a chance of me staying here. I guess most of my problems with my parents is they've done and said some things to me they shouldn't and I have a hard time getting beyond them. Example: my dad has told me that I'm "too dumb to leave the state" and my mom has told me that when I was a baby and screaming my head off in the middle of the night and looking up at her so pitifully she wanted to "snap my little neck." It's things like that I have a hard time getting over. In their defense, they have been nicer to me lately, considering they're pretty much abandoning me. It was nice that they changed their agreement for paying my tuition and food and I pay for the dorm and books to them paying my tuition, food and books and I just have to cover the dorm. It actually does help quite a bit. But I really have a hard time being in the same room as them if I don't have a distraction. I'm just glad I'll have a lot to do during the week, like work and (maybe) going to the Herd Museum with Alex for extra credit in ARH145. That would be nice. And talking to Bez about the internship. That would be nice. :)
And now, a picture just for the halibut!
Me in front of a steam engine at the Pioneer Museum. Alex can make me look good via camera. :)
And now I sleep, since I know I won't be doing that tomorrow. Hehehehehe!