Jun 14, 2009 23:58
i am covered in two days worth of sweat and sunscreen and happy
-metroed BY MYSELF
-made new friend
-saw old friends
-ethiopian food
-being overwhelmed by strobe lights
-belle epoche (sp?)
-morning readies
-being mistaken for a lesbian couple with anqi
-knowing a lot about hiv, getting free shirts and naughty packs
-greg and kelly/paul/willie's place
-beer pong table make-age
-gentleman willie escorting me to the metro because i had to leave early
-riding metro alone and getting really anxious all of a sudden and missing the first car that came (stupid bitches taking too long to get off) and freaking cause even though i knew i was going the right way, i thought i wasn't when i was on 495
by the end of tonight, i realized that dc is a little overwhelming for me, but overall a lot of fun. i want to go clubbing again! and eat ethiopian food again! yum :D