Jun 05, 2009 00:22
I've been on birth control for the past couple of months. Right before it gets to be that time of the month, I get this weird moods where anything can set me off in a flood of tears and I'm frustrated and annoyed and angry with everything and everyone. I hadn't really heard of anyone getting mood swings when they were on the pill, so I looked it up online and saw that it wasn't too uncommon. I also asked around. But anyways it's really frustrating to burst into tears at the slightest provocation. I was at my brother's graduation this morning and I kept crying... before the ceremony even started. Like when they were showing pictures of the graduating class. I was thinking about how this was a really nice ceremony and WHAMBAM tears. This is coming from a girl who didn't cry at any of her grandparent's funerals. It's really frustrating. And my family is getting on my last nerves. Like things that haven't bothered me in ages. I want to be alone, but at the same time I don't. I just want someone around that won't annoy me or frustrate me or make me cry. Is that too much to ask?!
Stupid hormones.
There is more that I want but yeah whatever. Brush it off my shoulder, hell yes!