La Transumance

Mar 07, 2006 05:40

Two days ago I was walking toward the elevator, when I saw a boy come out of the stairwell door on rollerblades. Again, he went up the stairs on rollerblades. Might I add that I live on the fourth floor and that there were several inches of snow outside. This might not confuse you, but it certainly confuses me.

I'd also like to fold over the waist of my jeans instead of wearing a belt sometimes. How is this possible? I mean...I want them to fit everywhere else, just with a bigger waist. Is rolling waistbands just a myth? Maybe I made this up.

I can't wait to feel carpet on my feet.
Yesterday I ate hearts of palm with my lunch. Then I googled it to find out what it is. It is hearts of palm.

Dans le sud de la France, people wake up to the sound of goats' bells as the goats wake up at sunrise and walk into the hills. This makes me want to move to Provence tomorrow. There are many good things about potentially living in Provence, which are as follows--

1. la transumance (goats etc)
2. lavender jam. What? Seriously.
3. no snow, not ever.
4. a nice change from city life (though I feel I function best in a city)
5. it's farther away from Paris
6. the Corsican language
7. sunshine

Except I was lying about the snow part.

And OH MY WORD I can't call anyone a friend anymore, because no one told me about ramen. You have been eating like royalty and have left me in the dark. I can use my eight pizza euros to buy sixty-five packages of ramen, which feed TWO PEOPLE and taste like condensed happiness. Are you kidding me? Seriously you guys, I'm a little hurt.

Yesterday I was informed that my apartment does not have air conditioning. HONESTLY I didn't know that existed, except in Bangladesh. I wish Oprah would buy climatisation for Bangladesh. Anyway. I mean, if people in New Orleans didn't have air conditioning, there would be no people in New Orleans. And I've never experienced a summer elsewhere. I guess I'm just scared because this winter was super-harsh (although nothing, I'm told, compared to New York). WHY AM I SCARED OF WEATHER this is silly.
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