Title: Play Dead
Rating: NC-17, Het, Wincest.
Prompt: #3, This cancels out the hurt.
My prompt table is here.
Characters: Dean/Sam, Dean/Layla, Sam/Jo, Ellen/OMC, Bobby/Bela, Ruby, other demons, John, Mary, YED (in flashback).
Length: ~28K words in Five Chapters, complete. Written for
spn_j2_bigbang and
un_love_you, prompt #3.
Spoilers: To be safe, through the end of Season 3, and heavily speculative into Season 4.
Summary: A missing episode set between 3.13 and 3.14. Dean and Sam, on a case involving demonically possessed musical instruments, collude with Bobby, Ellen, and Jo on the trail of the demons. Layla assists. Bela gets in the way. They learn that all demons are certainly NOT human and that Ruby is a liar. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean are fighting over a way to break Dean’s deal without killing Sam. They discover the demonic objects are tied intrinsically to Azazel, and there may be no way to exorcise them without great cost to someone they all love - perhaps even death.
Link to Master Post at my LJ