→ rise & shine

May 17, 2007 20:45

O-oh shit. Tomorrow, right?

I'm screwed so bad, man. Uh-huh. So. Shit. So.

O-kay. Laptop, check. Notes, check. Access to the network, check.

private // totally unhackable )

zaheela, curse day, what the fuckery, i'm screwed, affected, malcolm, shisui

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bodyflickerboy May 17 2007, 13:50:00 UTC
Studying hard like a good little club president, are we? So you're Computer Club President? Eeeenteresting~

Good luck with Chem, by the way. You have Parker for that class?


un_icarus May 17 2007, 13:52:26 UTC
No one else wanted the job at the time.

Yeah. He's okay, 'cept his subject isn't.


bodyflickerboy May 17 2007, 14:00:15 UTC
Heeeeeey, you too? Must be in different periods, I don't remember seeing you around that one time that one guy...anyway! Since I'm like...obviously not doing anything of import at the moment...I could help out a little? Though I'm not an expert on the subject like good ol' Mr. Parker, of course.


un_icarus May 17 2007, 14:18:12 UTC
Yeah, guess we must be.

...Got any notes on thermochemistry? Entropy isn't really being very friendly to me right now.


bodyflickerboy May 17 2007, 14:24:24 UTC
Notesnotesnotes...ah, here we go! If you can't understand anything, lemme know, since I tend to doodle in the margins a bit and by "a bit" I mean on everything available scrap of space and I've been told things can get a little unintelligible in there.


un_icarus May 17 2007, 14:38:15 UTC
'A bit', huh?

...Nngh, thanks. Guess these and the others I found'll be useful.


bodyflickerboy May 17 2007, 14:45:42 UTC
Just make sure I get 'em back after the exam whole and unharmed, and we'll be good.


un_icarus May 17 2007, 14:56:50 UTC
Eh, pity. And here I was planning on throwing them in the fire once I was done.

...You'll get 'em back alright.


bodyflickerboy May 17 2007, 15:01:48 UTC
Throw them in the--!?

Oh wait. You were just kidding. Whew. If you hadn't been I would've kicked your ass from here to the carousel. And back again.

Well, hope they help~


un_icarus May 17 2007, 15:13:11 UTC
Guess we'll find out if they do tomorrow.

...Hey, uh.



bodyflickerboy May 17 2007, 15:18:49 UTC
No prob.


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