Fic - Tribute Griffin - 1/?

Oct 18, 2011 11:03

Title: Tribute Griffin
Fandom: Unnatural History
Rating: R
Pairings: Julian Morneau/Henry Griffin, Jasper Bartlett/Maggie Winnock
Genre: AU, Drama, Science Fiction, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Mentor/Student relationship
Summary: When Jasper's name comes up in the reaping, there's no question in Henry's mind: he has to take his cousin's place. But that simple act by a relative stranger, his determination to keep Maggie Winnock alive, and his refusal to play the Games by the Capitol's rules begins something that even Henry didn't dare hope for: rebellion.
A/N: Not Betaed. Also, I'll try to update semi-regularly, but I can't make any promises considering all the other WIPs I have going right now. I can promise I will finish this eventually.

Chapter One


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