Title: Lost at the ball

Nov 21, 2010 16:35

Title: Lost at the ball nday Dinner
Word Count: 3279
Challenge: Halloween fest 2010. Un_history ghost, Shelter_diner Ghost Hunters (and other Ghostly Encounters)
Rating: PG
Genre: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Shaun/Zach, Cody, Bryan, Jasper, Henry, Maggie
Summary: Shaun’s newest book is part of the Library of Congress’s Halloween event and Smithson is watching the kids, until one gets lost anyways.
Author's Notes: Sorry it’s late. But three weeks is better then never. I’ve also realized that I can’t write a Unnatural History fic that’s not around 3000 words. I just can’t do it. Also see the last note at the end.

I wasn't sure if I should use the halloween fest tag since it's so late

halloweeen fest '10, fanfiction

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