Halloween Fic and Art Fest: Prompt Submission

Sep 16, 2010 22:04

Hello everyone!

Since everyone more or less seemed to enjoy the idea of a fic and art fest I thought I'd go on ahead and do this.

I'm looking for Halloween prompts. Nothing really longer than six or seven words. In a few weeks I'll gather all the prompts together and repost them in another post, which will signal the opening of the fest.

Examples of prompts:

Trick or Treat
Demon in my View

I should go on a head an say this though. Do not respond directly to a person's prompt with the fic. Each fics should be in a seperate post and posted when the fest officially starts.

The fest itself will start in a few weeks. If you want to take a look at the prompts people are submitting and start on a fic, go on head. But no posting of the fic until the fest begins.

Sorry if that seems kinda strict, but I'm trying to keep everything organized. I should have the official prompt post up sometime next week (possibly the day after the finale) if the response is good.

halloweeen fest '10, notes from the mod

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