Hello, I joined this Com awhile ago, but this is my first time posting haha,sorry about that.
I'be been a fan of UH since it started, and haven't missed an episode yet, It's an highly addictive show I must say, I would of joined this COM earlier but I honestly couldn't find it until I came across it with luck~ But meh, It gave me time to set up a new LJ account..
ANYWAYS back to the topic.
My Favorite chracter by far has to be Jasper, though all the chracters are quite likeable, even the ones that just show for one episode.
WEll Like my title says, I bring some art, It's cartoony, and it really does not catch the chracters too well, but I had fun doing this, and oh, did I mention one is a mini comic~.
" Follow this magical link for the goods"