Tales of Boiling helpless sea creatures (unintentionally of course)

Nov 17, 2006 00:49

....The corals really don't like me. Not that I blame them or anything, since I constantly, unintentionally, abuse them by running them into the rocks in the tank or accidently getting them stuck in cervices, or just bumping into them in general while trying to take care of them. Thank God they only have suffer my abuse twice a week. -_-;;;;;

Today when I came in to to feed them, I find the tank to be at 31 degrees C. For those of you that don't know much about corals, they are not suppose to be in water above 31-32 degrees C or they will bleach (die). Which is REALLY bad considering there are several people using those very corals for projects. Me of course, am going nuts running around the lab trying to figure out how to save the poor babies from boiling to death.

I turned off the one of the heaters and lowered another one... but now I am worried that the corals will be cold and may suffer even more. The poor babies, though they may hate me I do care very much on their health.


I guess I may not be cut out for husbandry when it comes to corals. They were doing really well when I joined the lab. So if they end up dying after I volunteered to help out... it won't help my future prospects of working in this lab. Oh joy.
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