Sixth Dream

Jan 04, 2010 23:15


A drop of water in an ocean, really. Insignificant. But to Naoya right now, the sound echoes, and reverberates throughout this space. There’s no stars here…nothing but snow and water and the blackness of storm clouds. The wind is picking up but…

This is peaceful. Naoya sits up, and stands and turns-to stare down at his own frozen body. Ah, this was that time.

A shame he won’t be allowed to die here. The noise of horses approaching breaks through the silence, along with a sharp crunch of snow being broken. He knows that these men will take the pale girl, freezing to death in the snow, and do as they please with her. He knows that

The snow melts away into nothing, just an empty blackness.


A single droplet creates ripples-an insignificant action, a chance meeting, a single phrase…and fate shifts, and alters. A neverending stream. Naoya sighs and stares at it…a stream, or a line of threads, wrapped tight around his throat…and snapping, one by one by one.

It’s already been set in motion.

‘Nii-san?’ The door to his room opens-Naoya dimly notes the sudden shift in the scenery-and he turns, only somewhat paying attention.


“Nii-saaaaaaan!” The boy who glares up at him is no more than ten years old...and Naoya can see clearly, the myriad red threads holding to him.

“You said you’d take me to get ice cream if I got an A on my test and I did!” Ah. Right.

“Yes, yes…a promise is a promise. Go put your coat on.” He sighs, getting up out of the chair. It’s a bit of a pain, but he’s gone this far without ever really breaking his word (something he picked up from someone a long time ago), so he’d go through with it.

“Haaaaai!” And the moment the boy turns to run off, bright smile on his face, Naoya watches a thread snap. Well then. Naoya smirks, chuckling to himself.

“…He won’t have his way this time, will He, little brother?”]

[Naoya rolls over to stare blearily at the dreamberry and just….sighs before reaching out to it.] …Tch. [And off it goes!]

awww, blackmail material, or maybe just a really big sweet-tooth, even his good dreams he's a creeper, kiyoshi, naoya has a heart after all!, it's probably the sweet-tooth, naoya is a creepy bastard, !dream, !documentary, !children's

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