i did copy this from sheva.. but eveyone should really read this and take it into considerastion cuz its very much all true..
I am so dissapointed in a lot of people.
For one Im not going to name.
The fact of us sitting for no reason and talking shit about each other is absoultly wrong. In the end we all love each other and if god forbid something were to happen to one of us you know you would care as much as you can sit right now and read this 50 million times and say you won't dont lie to your self, you know you will. We have been by each others sides for 4 years. I am sick of the fact we all seperated shit happens people change ya whatever. And just for these reasons does not give you the right to say that kind of bull shit. We were all bestfriends at one point. No matter what you will always remeber the good and the bad times. But to talk shit and then see the person and be fake that is fucking rediculious. We've been there for each other at the wrost times. Gave a shoulder to shed tears on. Called each other when we were bored. Gave one another a great laugh that lastest for hours. Sat and talked an all nighter about the boys we hate and love. So dont sit here and complane of who is or was a bad friend. We all fought at one point. But that was past. Sometimes the things we do are mistakes and its understanding to be upset and mad. But you know what. Just remeber all the times you had a friend that stuck by your side to make sure your life would be the best and remeber that friend that always made you smiled on the wrost days of your life. And remeber the FRIENDS that still are your friends and that say they will stay your friends and consider you as one of your bestfriends. And remeber the bestfriends that say.. If we don't stay friends forever I will make sure to find you and invite you to my wedding. Just remember those friends. I am seriously disappointed in most of you. I can't stand the fact that we can't tell one another what is wrong. And what they dis like about something we are doing. It really hurts me to see that all of us becamse enemy's.
It really discuss's me.
I love you guys with all my heart. And even if some how we end up hating each other I will always still love you. You all know that. But this is just not right...
P.S. And for anyone that is going to type and say They dont cause drama please do so because I know for a fact You have once in your life. And if you are going to try and for one second explian that you never talked shit about one of your bestfriends please do so. Please.
Because me typing all this I will admit I have talked shit about you. And I have the balls to say it. I really don't care. I've done wrong. Im not saying I havn't. I've said a lot of things I wish i didn't. Lost a lot of people I wished i never lost. And I have caused drama between my bestfriends. BUT THE THING ABOUT LIFE AND REALITY IS.... YOU LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. And people make mistakes. Looseing someone over something stupid is a fucking horrible mistake. Think about it...
and when i read this.. this is what i had to say to sheva: and i ment every word.
wow sheva, cant even find words for this... your the best friend anyone could ever ask for.. and this is all true i know. and i agree with every bit... but dont worry what ever happens babe... yr coming to my weddding hahah i love u babbbbayy and whatever happens i will always call you girls my best friends... under any terms and after anything that happens you girls have been there for me and help me into the person i am today and were there when i needed you most, one of my first true friends i had in a new school when i had no body but "acquaintces". your the one who invited me over for a sleepoover even tho you barley knew me and were just reaching out to me cuz i was the "new girl". and i love you for that because look where it has broughten us now... you are truely one of a kind. nobody is like you...nobody is as sweet and opening and so outspoken as you...lol and i love you for alll that. no matter how many times we have fought or talked shit.. in the end you are and will always be me BEST FRIEND.
love always,
i love you sheva!!
and those of who need reality checks and need to realize who they have as friends... should realize soon becuase one day before you know if you dont hang on to the ones you love and the one who love you... they could be gone.. before you know it.
well thats the end..