Crazy mind altering dream

May 10, 2005 17:27

I had this really weird dream. I was being taught by some loud intellegant person...but I never saw the person I only heard his voice. And kept telling me these huge abstract ideas that were amazing but hard to grasp and I felt really shakey I was trying to fathom and understand everything he was telling/showing me. Then, he tried to relate it back to my life but it was very complex and this giant ball that had been the earth in a previous demonstration (also know I was sitting in a giant building with huge off white colums and no roof) and this giant ball that took up the whole middle part of the room was bouncing infront of me and the voice kept saying "focus, focus, focus" with every bounce, while he tried to force me to relate these ideas to my life. I woke up so shakey and my mind was throbing with ideas. I felt like I had somehow learned something I didn't previously know.
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