my exam's tomorrow whywhywhywhywhywhy. NNNNNNNNNGH I'm only 20% done with the reading list hnnnnn. Akame is soooo distracting! Not to mention Toma's AnAn
HELLO NNNNNNGH whyyyyy. Of course I'm going to gloat that Jaejoong wasn't even topless because it wouldn't have made a differences he's a girrrrrrrl, this is aso why Kame will not get a naked AnAn photoshoot; HE'D BE PRETTIER THAN THE GIRL MODELS.
I am still not buying that, though. I have to pay for the Myojo May/Kyosera DVD/KinKi countdown uchiwa I'm getting. HAH, I need to graduate so I can get a job.
Aaaaagh now I totally forgot what I was going to say. Once again, DISTRACTED BY THE SHINY
kizuna_exchange COMM.