Apr 02, 2010 01:00

The lyricist of Real Face would be proud of me. XDD

Because I always like to be living on the edge...

Minutes to midnight, gaaaah. I finally sent in our thesis, just before the deadline passed. Cram skills. AT LEAST WE WON'T GET A 5. HOPEFULLY. That manuscript will half-determine whether I can graduate or not. >_< YM HAD TO BE A BITCH, yo.

aaaaaaand after all the toxicity and hardship, we might get a shot for best thesis. ALTHOUGH I'M NOT GETTING MY HOPES UP. Our thesis was started and completed in a span of almost 3 weeks after all.

I may want to cry.

Too bad my eyes are too tired from computer exposure. Re-downloading ALL the concerts I have (Meaning every subbed You&J con available, plus a couple more of the senpais). So troublesome. FANDOM YOU HAVE IMPAIRED ME.

will do a pimp post in 5 minutes.


can't wait for the next word vomit, rl.

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