Understanding [Last Chapter]

Mar 24, 2007 15:17

Title: Understanding
Author: Un_derscores (aka Sarah)
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None.
Summary: House get out of surgery. LAST CAHPTER.
Disclaimer: David Shore is dumb for not letting me own them.
AN: This is the last chapter. I'm really happy with how all of this turned out. Title credit to namasteyoga.
Beta: principessahope

x-posted in: housefic house_heavenhouse_wilson
house_slash house_everyone


House had been out of surgery for about 5 hours now but he still hadn't woken up. Wilson kept telling himself that it was just a combination of the anesthetics and his body needing to repair itself, but he could help but fear the worst. The doctors, all of them, had been frank with him; there was a chance of brain damage, but it was low. The only thing that Wilson heard in that sentence was chance of brain damage. Everyone told him that he would wake up soon, but for some reason he just could help but think that they were wrong.

Cuddy had stopped by, saying she wanted to see how he was holding up, but he knew it was only partially that; she wanted to check on House. She puttered around for a minute or two, making small talk and checking out House's chart, which he was sure she had a copy of on her desk, and looking over the medical equipment he was hooked up to. Before she left, she stopped near Wilson, put her hand on his shoulder and said something he had been trying to get himself to believe all day, He'll pull through this. You know he will. He's to god damn stubborn not to. She smiled a sympathetic smile, said he could talk to her if he needed, and left.

Wilson sat there by House's side, checking his chart, and smoothed the blankets on the bed, and other meaningless tasks that were keeping him busy, but still with in arms length of House.

Finally, at something like three in the morning, Wilson shut off the lights in the room and sat back down in the chair next to House's bed. He was exhausted both mentally and physically. He took House's good hand back in between his own and put his head back and made an attempt to sleep. He shifted around in the uncomfortable chair for about 20 minutes, before realizing that chairs in hospital rooms weren't made for sleeping.

He flagged down a nurse that walked by the room and asked for a coffee. She came back with it in about 5 minutes and he just sat next to House's bed, sitting in the dark, holding his hand. As he thought about it, he didn't know who it was to benefit; was it to tell House that he was there, or to tell him that House was there. He didn't have too much time to think about it though, because he felt House's fingers move slightly in between his own.

He called out his name softly, and House responded with a groan. Wilson called out his name again, and House turned his head towards him, and opened his eyes slightly, but enough so that he could see. Jimmy. was all that he whispered in hoarse voice, but it was enough for Wilson. He was crying and apologizing, and House was telling him he didn't need to, but he just couldn't stop. He told him how he had been going to tell him he was sorry, and then he saw the accident, and that he thought he was dead, and how he thought he would never know, but he had to know, he had to know how sorry he was, he just had too. He was his life, he was the only thing he cared about, and he didn't want that to go away. Not now, not ever.

House squeezed Wilson's hand as best he could, being too weak to do anything else comforting. He told him he knew, and that he would be okay, that they would be okay. He didn't care about what had happened it didn't matter anymore, all he cared about was now.

Wilson was crying and smiling and laughing and so many other things, but all that mattered to him was that House was alive. House was starting to nod off again, but was trying to fight it. Wilson told him it was okay, and that he should sleep. He found some way to get comfortable in the chair, while part on him was on the bed with House. After a little while House looked at Wilson. "I love you Jimmy." Wilson was sound asleep, the day having finally caught up with him, but House had said it anyway.

He knew. He always knew.

All righty. So that’s the end.
I'm kinda sad about this series ending, but if I did anything else with it, it would just turn out badly and ruin the whole thing.
I really have to thank everyone who's been reading and reviewing and helping me out with the chapter titles and everything else. You guys are all kinds of rad. ily.
Check out the links on the right for all of my other fics, and add me if you like what I write.


house/wilson, understanding, fanfic

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