
Nov 28, 2015 16:20

I see S. reading a book he just bought for a friend's birthday and that I saw him wrap in gift paper.

Me: "Oh, so you bought another one for yourself?"

S.: "No, I just wanted you to see me being totally cheap."

Me: "You really just unwrapped the book so you could read it yourself?"

S.: "Yeah!"

Me: "Well, mission accomplished, that is really kind of cheap."

S.: "Look on the table."

(On the table is the wrapped book.)

Me: "So you did buy one for yourself, why didn't you say so?"

S.: "Because you were so intent on seeing me be cheap."

Me: "I *asked* you if you had bought it for yorself, it's the first thing I asked! Why would you choose to make a joke that isn't even funny and that plays on some imaginary character flaw of mine, instead of just saying 'yeah, I bought one for myself'?"

S.: "I'm not talking to you, I'm reading."

This is my life.

a day in the life, relationships

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