I'm going to do something I don't usually do. Comment about last night's Supernatural episode without reading anyone else's review. It will be short, because I can never remember everything I liked or didn't like.
Yikes! I can't even remember the name of the episode! Was it "Fear"?
It was a lot funnier than I expected. A LOT! My absolute favorite moment was Dean's hideous screaming at the cat in the locker. I will definitely need an icon! Oh, and of course the pink-bowed monster chasing him was a hoot. Did anyone else know who it was the minute they panned up to the knees? Hee!
But seriously! If he's that freaked out, he needs to let Sam drive.
About the little girl who played Lillith: I thought she was awful in "No Rest for the Wicked," but she really nailed it here. I was wondering why she would be Lillith, since Lillith left her. But then I realized she was the one incarnation of Lillith (besides Ruby) that Dean had seen. So it make sense. (Or I just rationalized something that was never there.) ;)
The ending: Besides the wonderful wardrobe choices (LOVE Sam in the denim shirt... and Dean in one layer), Sam's eyes flickering. Was it Sam? Or was it Dean imagining it?
Oh yeah. The special surprise? Eh. It smacked of showing off, which yes, Jensen has a right to do, given his looks and talent and humor. But it would have been more effective for me if we'd seen the set up; that is, Jared/Sam not knocking on the roof and signaling the cameras to keep rolling. But hey, look at the ease with which he jumped down from the roof the car. Now that impressed me. Hee.