the 4 meme
4 jobs I've had:
1. nanny for three girls for a summer (9 months, 2.5, 5.5)
2. camp counselor at a weight loss adventure camp for
3. information desk assistant (college library)
4. Resident Assistant (RA)
4 movies watched over and over:
1. A League of Their Own
2. Stick It! (I know, such a teenybopper movie...but I <3 it!)
3. Sweet Home Alabama
4. Mr. Holland's Opus
4 places I've lived:
1. Bainbridge, OH
2. Bowling Green, OH
3. Kohl Hall - BGSU
4. Harshman Bromfield - BGSU
4 Shows I watch (when the damn writers aren't on strike!!!) there are more...but these will do for 4
1. Brothers and Sisters
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Heroes
4 places I've been:
1. Jerusalem, Israel (and other places around Israel)
2. Madison, WI
3. Florida
4. Asheville, NC
4 people who email me regularly:
mmm...I get tons of listproc emails, lol. personal emails?
my mom
my dad (he sends me stupid forwards... @_@
RA staff stuff
I must be reealllll popular..
4 favorite things to eat:
1. mmmm... i LOVE rold gold pretzel rods with cold diet pepsi
2. panera low fat chicken noodle soup with a half chicken sandwich and a french baguette (a lot of carbs all together, lol)
3. mmm.. there are these amazing lemon ice cups that chily's (campus convenience store) occasionally has in stock - SO good :D
4. pesto pasta with chicken and some sort of green vegetable mixed in made by my mom
4 places I'd rather be:
1. Asheville, NC
2. With my best friend Mal in New York
3. Graduated from college and living somewhere with a real job!
4. on a trip around Europe, or in Israel
4 things I look forward to this year:
1. The end of my junior year
2. finding a summer job that takes me someplace new
3. turning 21!!!!
4. really becoming healthier