Dec 30, 2005 15:23
I really haven't updated much at all, I'm a horrible person practically, haha.
For Christmas, as I'm sure you all know from my lovely sister's livejournal, we went to Canada for the holidays. It was a really chill time. I spent a lot of time at my grandmothers and sometimes my brother came over too. I got a lot of really nice things so I can't complain! One night I even went and saw some people from highschool, that was weird. I haven't seen a lot of them SINCE highschool so it was bizarre. But it was that same night I saw that SLUT melissa - missy - whatever the fuck she goes by. I hater her! I mean it's not like she purposely meant to do anything aganist me, but I can't help but hate her slutty guts!! ANYWAY. The time spent in Canada wasn't too horrible. Even though I did have a disturbing nightmare and had to sleep with lindsey one night..
BUT - We just got back yesterday to LA! And I'm already back at work! Damn it! But Joel picked us up from the airport, and since he was so strong and tough with our bags and his driving skills (how he turns that wheel like that.. we'll never know) we realized that we needed to keep his strengths up, so we made him a delicious lunch. He even took us to buy the food to make him! And when we got home and we cooked, Joel played with Figs and by the time that was done he was starving damn it! But, gotta say, we are truly italians because what we made was extremely delicious and I brought the leftovers for my lunch today.
But after that, I went to sleep for awhile cause I was tired. I was supposed to be up by 8:30 cause Sawyer was coming back to LA too and he was going to pick me up, adn then we were gonna drop off his stuff and go see a movie. However, I was actually woken up by Sawyer calling my cellphone asking me to open the door. Whoooopsie. I'm guess I shut off my alarm clock accidently when it went off. But after I apologized a million times, we ended up going back to his apartment to a No-Pete (his roommate) environment and cried a little cuase there was no-Pete. Well at least I did. BUT then went and saw King Kong which was INCREDIBLE. I HIGHLY recommend this movie. I know I've said it before but I really mean and feel it this time. Go see it and be scared and sad and excited and touched all in three hours that only feels like an hour! GO.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Not only that but I hope you have a great and safe New Years, no joke. I'll have to do one of those year wrap ups or some shit.
I however am out of this website. I've got things to do damn it.