I'd say the reason the Hath's lines weren't translated was because they were telepathic? With the Ood, yes, but that was when they had the translator ball to make them verbal if I recall right.
Didn't see the confidential, but I thought the Doctor was right on. I mean, he was out of his mind for much of the ep with the implications of Jenny and the fact she didn't have the Timelord ethos instilled in her. Then, when he's ready to accept her, she's taken from him and doesn't regenerate (does this go back to the movie where the eighth doctor said he was half human? I've never been sure if that was canon, or was supposed to be an artifact of that regeneration, or what). In that second, I could see him him turn wrathful, much like he did when Harriet Jones destroyed the fleeing aliens. But he did pull back and only use it to make a point..so.... And if it was only to make a point, it would probably be due to the fact that these people wouldn't think anything of him picking up a gun -- they all carry them. But to see someone point one and then not use it --- remember how proud Jenny was when she chose to not shoot and kill the leader?
Hmmm... never thought of them being telepathic, very good possibility! That will help me hand-waive actually hearing the Hath actor speak lines in the behind the scenes stuff. (btw, I cannot recommend the confidential enough on this episode)
There was a theme of give and take between Jenny and the Doctor through the episode (one becoming more peaceful and the other more battle-oriented). So, you are right, I can see wrath taking control of him. The thing with the Harriet Jones incident is that he used words to bring her down, not a weapon. He's much too much of... the Doctor to use a weapon if there is a choice.
I am also glad you mentioned him maybe using the weapon to try and speak their language, since they are all so familiar with using weapons. That will help me accept the action a bit more as him just trying to get his point across.
Perhaps I put him in too high a pedestal, lest he tumble off and break. :)
Didn't see the confidential, but I thought the Doctor was right on. I mean, he was out of his mind for much of the ep with the implications of Jenny and the fact she didn't have the Timelord ethos instilled in her. Then, when he's ready to accept her, she's taken from him and doesn't regenerate (does this go back to the movie where the eighth doctor said he was half human? I've never been sure if that was canon, or was supposed to be an artifact of that regeneration, or what). In that second, I could see him him turn wrathful, much like he did when Harriet Jones destroyed the fleeing aliens. But he did pull back and only use it to make a point..so.... And if it was only to make a point, it would probably be due to the fact that these people wouldn't think anything of him picking up a gun -- they all carry them. But to see someone point one and then not use it --- remember how proud Jenny was when she chose to not shoot and kill the leader?
There was a theme of give and take between Jenny and the Doctor through the episode (one becoming more peaceful and the other more battle-oriented). So, you are right, I can see wrath taking control of him. The thing with the Harriet Jones incident is that he used words to bring her down, not a weapon. He's much too much of... the Doctor to use a weapon if there is a choice.
I am also glad you mentioned him maybe using the weapon to try and speak their language, since they are all so familiar with using weapons. That will help me accept the action a bit more as him just trying to get his point across.
Perhaps I put him in too high a pedestal, lest he tumble off and break. :)
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