(no subject)

Dec 20, 2004 12:45

(Love my Cereal!)

Imma have pics of the day....cuz i...hell, i don't know why, i just will!

i'm bored...lol!

I'm finna go to the movies at The Mills......so i'll Edit later!

Wow, today was so funny....the movie was good....Jim is a foo...lol!...the lil girl in the movie was so cute!(Sunny)....but i'm angry again yall....it was this fine dude(lightskin, braids, 4 golds....just too fiyah) up in broadway shoe store.....they got all windows and as we walked by i looked at him and he looked at me....and i was like "now that nicca too cute, i should take a pic"...lol...me and jess was buggin up....then ole dude and his friend started walkin toward the door...and i was like lets go yall!...but tab ole goofy azz had to hold me back, i was yellin "i'm shy, let me go"....haha!....and she was like "u want her?".....he said yeah.....i tryed my hardest to get away...lol.....she flung me all ova the place but we walked away anyway...so we walked around the mall, got some stuff, then we in Hibbets just chillen, we get up and leave and ole dude just happen to be walkin by...haha, jess was like "uh oh Kelz, there he go"....so i'm just laffing, then ole dude stop and look at me then said "ay boo....come here"...so i go ova there and the foo's Tab and Jess was gigglin! old dude was like "how old are u?" and i'm like "17"...and he started smiling(swear fo god my heart skipped a beat....lol)....and he was like "damn...and u cute"...i'm like "how old are u?"...and he said "i'm 25 boo"...i just started smiling(thinkin damn this mall is a bad luck mall!).......he was like "damn damn damn"....lol!.....and i'm like "righttt..."....and he said "but u too damn fine......but we like 8 years apart"...i just smiled!.....and he said "i just wanted to let u know that u too damn cute"....i'm all chessin and i said "Thanx"....and we went our seperate ways(wow......lol)!but that aint even it....i was so sad...lol!.....Jess was like "aww, it's ok Kelz, u'll find some dude that's even cutter than him"...and i said "is that possible, ole dude was so damn fine, damn my age"....lol!haha....i was shakin...i wanted to cry....but we was leavin the mall and we was at me car...i was lookin down when a white Truck rode by hella slow...i didn't even look up!.....tab was like "there go yo boo Kelz"....i looked up hella quick, i'm like where?"...haha...ole dude had me searching...lol!...they drove on...and jess was like "they turning around"....and i heard ole dude yell "there she go!"...lol!Tab was like "yep, they commin back"....i looked around the car and they did turn around.....but we got in the car and dipped!...but the way the mall is built next to the mall, u can see the parking lot at all angels....and they was still driving around the parking lot....haha...i got it like that....lol!.....but i'm finna call Tab and talk this ova cuz im still mad....here's some pics!

Tab in Hot Topic....lol...them glasses she tryed on!

Kayla and Tab at the Nascar skate park(after the movies we played lazar tag...and won)

Me tryin on glasses in Hot Topic

They building a bowling alley at the Mall...finna be so fiyah!

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