, school...big boo...gas, even bigger boo...momz got on my head for no reason....but freals, school was coo....i was hella tired, hell, i just had a 4 and a half day week end....even though today is HUMP day....don't feel like it...and erbody touched my hair....i was like "eh, can u get yo dirty ass hands out my hair"...haha, and i think this lil freshman boy is scared of me....hehe, i was walkin with my 4th hr peoples to lunch, and he stopped infront of me so i yelled move....he kinda jumped, and looked at me and was like "im so sorry"...and he walked/ran up the not mean yall but im so tired of them kids at that school....if yo school is ova crowded and people hungry tryna go to lunch, why would u just stop in the middle of the hall while people, and i mean hellz people tryna get's just dumb....but damnit it's just wrong...soddie!...but um, it's almost thanksgivin yall...sorta, i want some of my granny's dressing...haha, she can throw down...why when i took some pix to school...erbody that saw them saw the pix of my granny, and they was like "why her hair so wavy?....what is she?....she has a beautiful color skin" like "what the fuck, whut u mean what is she?...she's a woman....a person...hehe"....they had me buggin up!.....but um, she's indian ok.....jesh, people these days...but coming to the stage is on and that's my i gottz ta go...
lookies at what i found in my computer...i hate it....with my extra chbby self!