Meme 2; July 2010

Jun 30, 2010 19:00

SAME RULES AS LAST TIME. Hello Summer, how I've missed you ( Read more... )

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Re: Planeocracy anonymous July 1 2010, 18:15:44 UTC
Gonna break it down because that's just how I roll.

Setting: Planeocracy is about an agency known as Confuto Ordinatio that is tasked with patrolling and keeping the many different worlds in the multiverse from merging with, smashing into, or destroying one another. Characters stumble in by accident and end up falling into one of three ranks: Agent, Enforcer, or Councilor. What's unique about this setup is that not only can your character return to his or her home at any time he or she desires, but he or she can visit any world that is listed in the Worlds posts. For that reason, many people call it an "inverse jamjar."

Game Size/Speed: Planeocracy is somewhere between a small and a medium-sized game, and its pace varies from slow to medium. It averages about three to five posts a day, except during and immediately after events, where, like any other RP, activity spikes. People tag each other's posts a lot, too, and are willing to continue tagging a thread until it's done (case in point: I once had a thread with another character that lasted for a month before we decided we could satisfactorily end it). Activity check is once a month, and you're required to tag the activity post with a link to either a post or a thread in which your character has commented at least four times.

Journal-based or Community?: Community-based.

Powers: Powers are left largely intact, and completely intact when they're back in their own worlds. However, within the compound itself, there's a mild dampening effect to keep characters from, say, killing the council and taking over the compound. In worlds other than their own, their powers change to fit those of the world. (Ex. If Squall were to travel to the Pokemon world, his Guardian Forces would change into Pokemon.) Also, characters can pick up a power from another world, but only if they have a reasonable aptitude to pick up something.

Gameplay: The mods give the players a LOT of freedom, and between that and the myriad worlds the characters can visit, you can think up something to do no matter what is going on, be it a job, being on patrol, or just hanging out. Many of the players are running small plots for their own characters (Ran Yakumo working on Simulation Chamber programs, Lockon Stratos II busy working on a way to help a friend who has lost access to the gate in her world, something in the works for Asagi, etc.)

As for how interaction works, players can either have their characters interact in person or over PDAs. The PDAs have numerous functions, and communication is possible using text, audio, or video.

The players are also friendly and very willing to include new characters. I'm looking at the comm right now, and the three most recent IC introductions each gathered almost 100 comments. The players are friendly and willing to plot, too.

OOC: The chat is usually pretty lively, as the majority of the players spend time in there on a daily basis. As I mentioned before, they're friendly and always willing to either plot or just plain chat. If chats aren't your thing, there's also the OoC comm and the crack/memes/general funtiems comm that you can use to talk to people.

Mod Availability: There are three mods, and they're all online at least a few hours a day. Right now, unfortunately, general upkeep is lagging a bit -- all three mods have been kept busy by RL, with apartment hunting, car hunting, work, etc. -- but two of the mods have finally moved and unpacked, and they're picking up now. Other than that, the mods are highly approachable and friendly. They'll listen to any plot, and encourage the playerbase to be proactive.


Re: Planeocracy anonymous July 1 2010, 18:16:05 UTC
Application Difficulty: The app itself is pretty straightforward. You can link your character's background and use RPing you did elsewhere (even if it's in a musebox) as a sample, or you can fill out the sample sheet (this is the single game whose sample entry isn't a pain -- in fact, it's really a lot of fun!). Personality is pretty typical, they want a reason for joining and a desired position, too. If you want your character to join as either an Enforcer or a Councilor, you'll have to provide a reason or two. Recently, they added world info because, well, you can't expect the mods to know enough of every single world to write a good summary of each. But if someone from the canon you're apping from is already in the game, you can skip that.

The mods have decent standards. Not too high, but not too low, either.

Plot: Holy HELL. For almost the full month of May, there was a huge plot going revolving around the disappearance of Earth - P3/P4. Characters went hunting for clues, bureaucrats tried to interfere, murder happened, and things got awesome. Right now, the players are enjoying some well-earned downtime, but the mods have said there will be another major (but less serious) event that will begin sometime between mid-July and early August.

Final Thoughts: I've been in a fair share of games in my RP career. This one is, easily, in my top ten percent.


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