Open up your golden gates, New Orleans - here I come... Again.

May 21, 2009 09:12

An open letter to Pittsburgh,

I am leaving this town on June 10th, 2009 and moving back to New Orleans. I'll be living on Decatur St. in the French Quarter with John.

I just wanted Pittsburgh, and everyone I know and love here, that I am leaving on good terms.

This is something that gives me great solace.

I don't want freedom from this town or the people in it.

Pirsig said, in his afterword of ZAMM, that freedom "is a purely negative goal. It only says that something is bad."

I would agree with him.

I don't want freedom from Pittsburgh, I don't want freedom from it's scenes, I don't want freedom from any of you.

The best way I can say any of this is that I want to leave. I want to leave because I want to take a step in the evolution of my artistic self. I want to take a step in the evolution of the betterment of myself. New Orleans presents these opportunities for me right now.

I don't want this to be one of the those times where opportunity and truth are knocking at my door and I tell them to go away because I am searching for opportunity and truth.

I'll be back around to visit now and again.

My life in New Orleans is open to all to come and visit whenever they'd like to - and I hope you all take me up on that offer.

I'll see you all around.

PS. I will be driving. The most probable routes I will be taking. If anyone along the way thinks I should stop and say hello - let me know and I'd be happy to!
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