Time Time Time

May 05, 2007 19:10

So much TIME.
it feels great. class is over, and I finally have time to do things for me verses school work.
i do still have to worry about Critiques. I still have a lot of work to finish before my crits that start on the 14th. but now that I don't have all that class to get in the way, it will be easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Change of plans for my summer.
Sean and i are no longer going to Australia. It was too expensive.
So then i got a good idea while I was sitting in my art history class (of course I wasn't paying attention).
We go on a train trip around America.
When we tell people thats what we are doing, their first reaction is negative, because they think it would be a more valuable experience to go to Europe or something.
Well, for those of you who think that, here is our reasoning:
We have our whole lives to travel the world.
And why travel the world when you don't even know your own country??
It's cheaper.
We get to see more.
And we can end up in Tahoe in the end of July, when sean was going to go there to visit family anyway.

It's going to be wicked.
here are the cities we are going to be stopping at:
Philadelphia (a buh)
Boston, MA
Albany, NY
Chicago, IL
Minneapolis, MI
Glacier Park, MT
Seattle, WA
Vancouver, BC
back to seattle
Portland, OR
Sacremento, CA
Denver, CO
Omaha, NA
Galesburg, IL
Kansas City, MO
Albuquerque, NM
Flagstaff, AZ
L.A., CA
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
Lake Tahoe, CA

How good is that?

We are going to document the trip in a book.
Sean, of course, will do the art work, and I'll write... something. In the end we will compile and bind and TA DA! A book.

Have love, will travel.
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