whine whine

Oct 07, 2010 21:14

I hate living in Utah. Totally new information, right? Being surrounded by Mormons just doesn't work for me. At all.

Case in point: in one of my classes, I have to produce a podcast. There's one guy in the class who is my kinda-sorta friend, mainly because I thought it would be a good idea to have one person within my major that I haven't been a bitch to or ignored. He's annoying enough to have talked to me despite my general bitchiness and ignoring of people, so there's one strike against him, but I'm trying to maintain a relationship just in case I need him someday. So far, he only needs me. Which sucks, but whatever.

So, today, podcast. He suggested that we do ours together and I was said, "Sure, I guess. Do you have any ideas?" And all he could come up with was, "I could have my roommates tell mission stories." Like, really?  These are generally just asshole tales of ethnocentrism, fish-out-of-water stories about the crazy food that people who aren't the guy's bland Mormon mom make, or this one time in some scary alley or some random happenstance that they think their god caused.  I hear it ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND I HATE IT.

Amazingly, I didn't shy out on that like I normally do. I actually said, "Hah, yeah, that would be fascinating! Having to listen to that wouldn't make me want to kill myself AT ALL." To his credit, he laughed and told me I wouldn't have to listen, I would just have to create it. I just hate life here. So much. I need to get my ass in gear and finish school so I can move to the Pacific Northwest.

school, religion

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