My mother has started nagging me to go to church with her again. Like, woman, I stopped that shit five years ago. I still have nightmares about it. I am NEVER going back. I blame my cousin. She had a big Mormon wedding on Friday and even invited my mom to the super secret (or, as I see it,
creepy) ceremony. For some reason, she doesn't find it incredibly creepy and appears to be panicking about my salvation or something. She's said she wants me to go to church with her at least twice since Friday night.
I refuse. When she asks why, I really want to say, "Because I don't believe in God and your religion can go fuck itself." Instead, I talk about how it freaks me out- one of the last times I went to church with her she had to drag me out of there mid-panic attack. That is a real thing- that place is so awful that I really can't stand it. Tonight when she made me explain why I wouldn't go, I said that I couldn't stand to be around the people- I leave the house for work and school because I need the money and I need to find a job that doesn't suck so bad. "But you'll be paid in blessings!" Bullshit. Ugh, I hate this. If she says anything else, I'll threaten to move out if she doesn't stop. Maybe that will make her shut up.