See Spring Awakening in DC!

Jul 01, 2009 07:17

 Soo, I joined the DC Guilty Ones yesterday, to have another way to feed my obsession. Now I am earning some points, YAY. So. You should go see Spring Awakening @ the Kennedy Center in DC. Why? Well, because it's Spring Awakening. YOu can get stage seats too, for like, $35, which is great. It's gonna play there July7th-August 2nd, which gives you plenty of time to get tickets. I actually might get MOAR tickets, because I am THAT excited.  Visit the Kennedy Center website for ticket information and check out the DC Guilty Ones fanpage:

I am so pumped for this, like, I can't even explain it. Usually I tend to not like modern twists on classics (ugh like all those Shakespeare-based movies with Amanda Bynes lol) but it's somehow different for me with Spring Awakening. The "artistic interpretation" if you will, just WORKS. Really well. And the music, god, I can listen to it over and over. Maybe it's just another musical to be obsessed about for a while, but I really got to love the original play. I still have not bought it, but I read it at the library lol. I just love the story. And Moritz. Moritz is great. Just saying. Anyway, enough with the rambling. SA is awesome, and everyone should see it. The end.

Making this entry public so I can get points for it.

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