Zoom Conf.: Ukraine in East-Central Europe, @IDMVienna 18.9.2020, 14:20-19:30

Sep 15, 2020 21:44

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International Hybrid Conference

"Ukraine in East-Central Europe:
Kyiv's Bilateral Relations and Prospects of Multilateralism in the Region"

Zoom & IDM, Vienna, 18 September 2020, 2:20-7:30 p.m. (CEST)
Conference organized by IDM in cooperation with Paneuropa-Union (Vienna) and Ukrainian Institute for the Future (UIF, Kyiv)Website: http://www.idm.at/veranstaltungen/aktuelle-veranstaltungen/item/ukraine-in-east-central-europe
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/328324144906900/Youtube Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4Nq0m3HJmo&feature=youtu.be

What is the role of Ukraine for the future of East-Central Europe, and vice versa? Where does Kyiv politically stand now, and should it strategically engage, in the future, within the area from Prague to Tallinn, from Riga to Baku? How can Ukraine’s relations with other East-Central European countries develop? What are the chances, opportunities and hindrances for these bilateral relations to grow, broaden and intensify, or to stagnate and even deteriorate? Can Kyiv expect and should thus work towards new bilateral treaties with its geographically closest strategic partners, and if so - with which countries towards what kind of agreements? Is there - if such upgraded relations were to develop - an opportunity to create not only deeper bilateral ties? Are there also chances for new multi-lateral networks or structures? Could such novel multilateralism around Ukraine go beyond the already existing, yet geographically and functionally circumscribed Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM), Visegrad Four, Bucharest Nine Group, and Three Seas Initiative?


14:20 Welcome by the Organizers

Sebastian Schäffer, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, Vienna
Rainard Kloucek, Paneuropa-Union, Vienna
Andreas Umland, Ukrainian Institute for the Future, Kyiv

14:30 Panel One: “Ukraine and the Major Regional Actors in East-Central Europe”

“Future Scenarios of EU Integration: Opportunities and Risks for Prospective Members”
Andreas Heinemann-Grüder, University of Bonn

“Polish-Ukrainian Bilateral Relations after the Annexation of Crimea”
Agnieszka Legucka, Polish Institute for International Affairs (PISM), Warsaw

“Ukraine’s Relations to Romania in the Past and Present”
Angela Gramada, Experts for Security and Global Affairs Association, Bucharest

“Ukraine’s Relations to Russia before and during the Russian-Ukrainian War”
Igor Gretskiy, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

16:00 Panel Two: “Case Studies of Ukraine’s Bilateral Relations after 1991”

“Ukraine’s Relations to Belarus”
Yauheni Preiherman, Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations

“Ukraine’s Relations to Azerbaijan”
Jamila Ismayilzada & Rusif Huseynov, Topchubashov Center, Baku

“Ukraine’s Relations to Slovakia”
Alisa Muzergues, Independent Researcher, Bratislava

“Ukraine’s Relations to the Czech Republic”
David Stulik, European Values Centre for Security Policy, Prague

17:30 Panel Three: “Ukraine, Austria and East-Central European Multilateral Structures”

“Austria's Relations to Post-Maidan Ukraine on the Backdrop of the 'Russian Factor'”
Martin Malek, National Defense Academy of Austria, Vienna

“Macro-Regionalization vs. ‘Minilateralism’: Chances and Challenges in the Danube Region”
Sebastian Schäffer, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, Vienna

“Abortive and Future Intermaria: NATObis, GUAM, CDC etc. & the ‘Gray Zone’”
Andreas Umland, Ukrainian Institute for the Future, Kyiv

19:00 Concluding Remarks by the Organizers

Rainard Kloucek, Paneuropa-Union, Vienna
Pavlo Klimkin, Ukrainian Institute for the Future, Kyiv
Andreas Umland, Ukrainian Institute for the Future, Kyiv
Sebastian Schäffer, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, Vienna

19:30 End

You can find the PDF version of the conference program attached.

  • Beginn: Freitag, 18. September 2020, 14:20 Uhr
  • Ende: Freitag, 18. September 2020, 19:30 Uhr
  • Ort: Zoom Livestream & IDM, Vienna
  • Auskunft: Mag. Sebastian Schäffer, MA
  • Auskunft E-Mail: s.schaeffer@idm.at

Program Ukraine and CEE Conference 2020.pdf

kyiv, ukraine, european union, russia, former soviet union, foreign policy, intermarium, belarus

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