My tweets

Oct 14, 2019 12:00

  • Mon, 10:55: RT @ leloveluck: Situation in northeast Syria devolving quickly: 100,000 civilians on the move, Turkish-backed forces pushing on key border…
  • Mon, 10:55: RT @ UmlandAndreas: С запуском Nord Stream 2 нарушается вся система газоснабжения Европы - эксперт - Полемика
  • Mon, 10:55: RT @ guyverhofstadt: Europe's far - right aren't patriots, they're Putin's puppets.  Unsurprising that Nigel Farage & other nationalists this…
  • Mon, 10:55: RT @ sven_giegold: Nur 20 Firmen sind fü r 1/3 der globalen CO2-Emissionen verantwortlich! Sie verdienen Geld, ohne fü r die Klimaschäden zu h…
  • Mon, 10:57: RT @ HeimsoethBerlin: Strengthening resilience in Central+Eastern Europe also demands for more dialogue on controversial legacies. Thank you…
  • Mon, 11:01: RT @ EuropeanPravda: Євросоюз на рік продовжив санкції за отруєння в Солсбері
  • Mon, 11:01: RT @ RYP__: At this rate Rudy Giuliani is gonna hafta be like Otis, Mayberry's town drunk, letting himself out of jail every morning to defe…
  • Mon, 11:04: RT @ Josiensor: Video of foreign journalists leaving Syria after deal struck between SDF and Assad. For journalists blacklisted by the Syria…
  • Mon, 11:05: RT @ PaulNiland: The failure to prosecute this vile person, or indeed anyone from the Yanukovych era, is a key indicator of the highly corru…
  • Mon, 11:05: RT @ UmlandAndreas: Расследование NYT: Россия разбомбила четыре больницы в Сирии

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