Jul 25, 2005 13:06
This past weekend I went to Muskegon with Eric and his family. I had tons of fun! His family is absolutely great...they're all very funny. His cousin Carly was really cool..I didn't really get to know his cousin Hayden cause she wasn't really around too much. And of course TBall was a joy to be around. In exactly one month from yesterday Eric will be goin off to school..and I'll be startin too. The day before he leaves I have a cross country meet. That really makes me super sad. He claims he's gonna come watch me run but I absolutely don't want him to..I'll be all nervous and stuff cuz it'll be my first cross country meet ever. But oh well..I'm sure I'll do just fine. His birthday is in 5 days and I haven't even gotten him anything yet. I'm startin to freak out cuz I've put major thought into it for the past month and I still haven't come up with anything yet. I have to work Monday-Thursday this week...and I have to work on his birthday on Saturday..but atleast I'm out by 4.
Chris and I are goin back to open runs this week. Hopefully I don't die. I didn't run this weekend since I was gone. Official practice starts Aug. 15th...which is comin up here pretty darn soon. That means I'll either have to work early at work..or not at all. Which doesn't suck too much. I rather work early than close.
I'm suppost to go to Sagnasty with Meesh on Wednesday..but now I don't know if it can happen cuz I have to work till 4 and then I have to do my damn running. Ahhh Life is so stressful right now. So much on my mind. Brian and I are finally all good. We're finally talking again...Which is good. I felt really bad about everything that happened. But it wasn't totally all my fault. Haven't talked to Dee since last week...her and I just kept playin phone tag. Hopefully she's doing good. I really wanna spend some time with her and Meesh. It sounds like Meesh is kinda goin through a hard time right now. :-/ I hope everything works out for her. I know she really loves her Joshy!
All the men are at football camp up in Frankfort till Wednesday. Fun stuff..Hopefully it's not too hot for them havin to be out in that heat all day. Talked to DR last night...He's been hangin out with this girl from his church who isn't his g/f..just a friend as of right now..but she calls him her b/f..and I guess last night she said that she loved him..and being the tard that DR is..he just went a long with it! I can't believe him sometimes. He's gonna end up breakin the poor girl's heart..but I guess that's what he's always been good at. It doesn't seem to bother him too much. But oh well. Last night him and I talked about school and stuff and how he thinks we'll be close and stuff..and how me and him are the only ones who really understand what is goin on between us. I guess he said that Ian wants DR and I to be together...which is kinda strange. DR and I are definitely better off just being friends. I'm totally in love with Eric and I really want things to work out between me and him. I know it's definitely gonna be a big challenge to make things work while he's at college..but I know we can do it. He's definitely helped me to become a better person and kinda look at life in a different perspective. Well..I've got lots of running to get done before I go into work. Yuck.
QuOtEoFtHeDaY: "Never say good-bye if you still want to try. Never give up if you still feel you can go on. Never say you don't love a person anymore if you can't let go. Love comes to those who still hope although they've been disappointed..To those who still believe, although they've been betrayed..To those who still need to love, although they've been hurt before..And to those who have the courage and faith to build trust again."