Okay, everybody.
This is big.
Are you sitting down?
I'm cutting my hair.
And no, not just a trim.
While I'm not going to hack it ALL off, mind you, it's gonna be pretty significant. A foot off at the longest, and nearly two feet at the shortest chunks. (AIYEE, WRITING THAT IS SURREAL.) It's at 3 ft now. So, that's half/over half of it off at a whack.
It's time; I've not changed my hair since I was 13, and it's really unhealthy-looking, stringy, and, to be honest? Not stylish at all. I'm 20 and I should do something new! It'll be long, yeah. But it won't be... "Your hair is so LONG" when people meet me. And people will stop bothering me about locks of love! XDDD
Oh yes!
Essentially it's gonna look like this:
Thaaaaat is NOT the most accurate representation, obv, ROFL. It basically looks the same with a pink stripe. But believe me, it's gonna be a big change. The shorter bits will be at about my shoulders, and the longest part about my elbow/middle of my arm. Still plenty long! But not OMFG long. And, this means it'll be easier to put up in pigtails without it being traily and stringy.
I had the appointment set on the 8th, but I'm gonna move it up! The cut is definitely happening soon. As for the stripe... I'm gonna ask Beth and Matt and be sure it's okay with them; after all, I don't want them to be embarrassed by one of their bridesmaids having odd hair! The placement of the stripe will make it much easier to hide... But still. I'd really love to do it ASAP, and go to Kaleidoscope, but I wanna be sure first. Otherwise, Anna, you and I will go get our stripes done TOGETHER! HOORAY!
It's a bit like having the bad bits and negativity cut away. Having a fresh start and a fresher outlook; and looking changed, too! :D Hooray!