Since I know you guys won't read blocks of TL;DR, I've bulleted this for your convenience! And don't worry, there are pictures, too.
♥ Spend ALL night speed-stitching roses on my tutu
♥ Get right on the plane with NO SLEEP WHATSOEVER HAHAHAHAHA FML
♥ Arrive in Baltimooore super early
♥ Almost lose checked bag with... like... EVERYTHING in it, ffffff for a while, then paint nails while waiting for it to show up
♥ Dad picks me up at airport! (He was in the area, but not in my hotel)
♥ Go to Bob Evans and eat brunch before going to Downtown
♥ We pass hotel! Dad decides to "turn around"
♥ No U-turns...
♥ About 45 minutes of traveling through ghetto and being like LOCK THE DOORS AHHHH
♥ Get to the hotel
♥ Find room already decimated, have like... 3 ft of space left to me
♥ Whip on Regene
♥ Circled all the way around to the end of what I thought was the Pre-reg line... only to find out it was the reg line. DERP. WHOOPS.
♥ Go through Pre-reg in like 20 minutes yeaaaah
♥ Browse Dealer's Room/AA real quick
♥ Hookin' up with my bb
ginnyseta♥ Throwin' skittles at people
♥ Go for a quick drink with Ginny-darling and her beau, then realize...
♥ Insert about 20 minutes of FFFFing and retracing steps- around this time, Lilly looks down and notices:
♥ Her heel is split open! FUUUUUUUU
♥ Go back to Hotel to desperately try to reach my darling
aoi_no_tenshi, Rei
♥ Only to find out, Lost and Found has my phone, LOLOL
♥ Get changed!
♥ Get phone!
♥ Get Rachel!
♥ Get food!
♥ Am Rachel's darling plainclothes Handler while she gets fawned over as she so deserves ;O;
♥ LOL about life, get home relatively early
♥ Help dear
sakura_fairy stitch some junk before the fashion show
♥ Save
ugly_kitties with my seam-ripper!
♥ Much Lolita LOLing
♥ Got to "sleep" behind a chair lying either completely flat on my back, or with knees to chest... orz At least I had a blanket that night, thanks,
♥ Get up early to help round up things for fashion show
♥ Discover the trashcan full of breakfast and milk had spilled on my pajamas... FML
♥ Send cute Lolis on their way~
♥ Put on Doll
♥ Scramble over to Rachel's hotel, dodging photographers because I was inaccurate, LOLOL. I felt HORRIBLE to turn people down, but I was in such a rush, and I was inaccurate... ughhh, I'm a terrible person...
♥ Am stopped by Miss Katsu of /cgl/. I find out that the /cgl/ kids were
talking about me at the meet before?! FFFFFF crawling into a tiny dark hole
♥ Go to rescue Rachel
♥ After much gnashing of teeth, coax my baby to be hot as hell and go in Serph instead, so we can enjoy con!
♥ Much Rachel almost-cuddlings
♥ Get to con! By this point, ONE of my pearl strands is left LOLOL FML
♥ Get mobbed as Doll FFFFF
♥ Walk arm in arm with Serph-baby
♥ Walk 5 feet, adjust costume, get picture taken- walk five feet, adjust costume, get picture taken- repeat this over and over LOL thank you so much everyone ;___;
♥ Meet DAVE! AKA Rofltrain, AKA Hot William! He was such a darling, I now feel bad for feeling so pervy about him. He was such a fun guy and a gentleman, and he played with my parasol whilst
burloire was a creeper behind him (Just kidding, bb, ILU)
♥ Go to MASSIVE Kuroshitsuji photoshoot; bit of a disaster, there were literally 75+ people there
♥ Hang out there for a bit, start heading to dinner, but the group is too big
♥ Nearly dying and worn out, Darling Rei and I part ways for a bit to shower and refresh; Doll needed a bit of repairs
♥ Take bath, refresh :D
♥ Put Doll back on - feel like a zillion bucks!
♥ Go to con, and SUDDENLY, am surrounded by my Cosupray Oneesan
kasaiface and the /cgl/ GODDESSES like Scout and Sey and fffffffff I was SO NOT WORTHY and I probably made a complete fool of myself spazzing
♥ Glancing over and noticing Rachel in the middle of Drunk /cgl/ Goddess Hug Orgy
♥ Photoshoot timu! EBK and... another photographer, fff, I'm sorry, I didn't catch his name. He was very nice.
♥ Watch Rachel play with my Parasol, LOL
♥ Am preyed on by EBK. Uhh...
♥ Plow way to dinner
♥ Have a bunch of people shout "DOLL!!!" from across the street, "WE LOVE YOUR COSTUME!!" I nearly cried. I blew kisses and thanked them profusely. Why is everyone so kind? ;_;
♥ Get to Tako place at like Midnight
♥ Spy on JJ from balcony and eat Mexican
♥ Read the TV in CAPSLOCK MODE
♥ Hang around back at con for a bit
♥ Get kicked out by hyperactive security guards with whistles
♥ As it happens, everyone's pretty settled, my pajamas still have breakfast on them, and there are no blankets, so uh...
♥ Go downstairs to find blankets, But they're out of them
♥ Check in briefly with everyone online
♥ Come back... The only spot is on the floor. I'm grateful for the pillow, but I sleep in my clothes with a towel as a blanket hahaha FML.
♥ Am given a little bit of time in the bed, thank you Carla. ;_;
♥ Put Mugi on~
♥ Am unfortunately, really late to the K-ON meet, but people are still there, so I get a quick shot.
♥ Go to dealer's room, pal about with Williamuuu again and his adorable friend,
mymerrilymemory! We advertise Dr. Pepper together
♥ Hang about with Rei and Bur and Anne before they leave
♥ Faggotry happens
♥ I cuddle with ONEEESAAAAN before we all get thrown out
♥ Get picked up by Dad, go eat some dericious Ribs before going Hooome, HOORAAAAY
Yeaaah wow. D: Somewhere halfway through writing this, my motivation died. BUT HERE. If you read any of that, then these photos will make sense! These are all different sizes because most of them were gonked from places.
Me as Regene! Unfortunately my binding's showing a bit through my keyhole. It was pulling that crap all day.
I lord over the purple skittles.
Patrick invades a purple skittle picture. Regene is a troll.
Suddenly, MR BUSHIDO??
My Regenetwin and I are ~*~*FABULOUS*~*~
I'm not fond of Anew, as everyone knows, but how cute are they?!
I and another cute Regene are fabulous~!
Joker checking out datass on Beast.
HOT WILLIAM Dave and I! Gah, I wish I'd turned to the side a bit in this picture, I look so frickin wide.
Then things got amazing. Basically best picture of my life ever.
Joker glowers at the passers-by hitting on his woman.
Rachel and I being the odd couple. LOLOL someone actually thought we were a couple fffff.
Delicious Circus group!
Rachel, being quite dead after walking all over Timbuktu in the heat.
Lilly: Rei, look dead.
Rachel: *still laughing*
Mugi on Sunday~! :D The wig didn't turn out nearly so bad on! I'll still have to remake my bow.
♥ Get there THURSDAY.
♥ Have less people in the room. I don't care if it costs more, I'm not sleeping on the floor again. :|
♥ Lengthen Doll's Overskirt
♥ Bring spare pearl Strands to glue on
♥ The candy thing was a BAD IDEA.
There we are. Hopefully more pictures will surface after SDCC ends!
Thank you everyone SO much for your support. I couldn't have done it without you! And those who found me because of Doll... Hello! I hope I'm what you expected...
Everyone take care!