Sep 24, 2006 21:35
What options do you have when a person "make belief/story" about something interesting that they did and tells you about it and you knew its fake?
1. Yala..yala...yala
2. Ohhh... rittte
3. *Just play along with the whole damn scenario* At least you know who is sane
4. in msn *ignore and just let them keep typing*
5. type this -> :)
6. take sleeping pills, a minimum of 3 of it
7. play DotA
8. take a rubberband and try to shoot at any lizards or pets that is in the viccinity
9. Tell that person you just arrived from Saturn and you really didn't know what hppn on earth and asked him to continue in an anxious manner
10. Stare at him/her expressionless