Dec 14, 2006 23:07
Oi, I'm back!
I know nobody will ever read this LJ, but... No matter why, no matter how poor and simple it is, I have to write on it.
Christmas is coming, and I'd like to create a little sweet story about, love, nakamashipping or both.
If I only have enough time...
Title: To the horizon
Pairing: Lusopp
Rating: R (shounen ai), nakamashipping
Spoilers: Maybe
Disclaimer: These wonderful characters belong to Oda sensei.
Word count: 650
Note: Totally OOC
Summary: Rufy started to say deep and serious sentences about his way of living...
"...Life is a neverending research of something you will never reach. It's just like a boat, that tries to reach the horizon. But as long as you go away from the earth, it also goes away from you. Only the people who stay in port live the illusion that you, on your ship, are really going to reach the horizon. These people are like those who stop their dreams trying to find peace for their hearts, but they only cheat themselves. We are different from them. We are those who can't stop living in joy as children do, suffering as severely blessed, who can't stop looking for the truth, who can't stop trying to make our dreams come true. We'll never stop trying to reach that thin line between the sea and the sky.
That line is the only hope we have to be the owners of our existences. It's the thread of out destiny as visionary dreamers. The horizon is the answer of all our questions, and we'll never give up until we'll reach it. "
His black curled friend was watching him confused and almost shocked.
"Ru... Rufy, are you drunk or something?"
He started laughing.
"Ah... ah! You're so cool, with this question mark impressed on your face!"
Usopp pushed his hand on his eyes, shaking slowly the head.
"You're completely fool! Do you understand the meaning of what you've just said? Where did you read this?!"
The smile on the captain's face turned into a sad expression. The sniper freezed.
"You don't believe these words are mine, don't you?"
His friend felt his heart lose any beat. He was going to fall into the loneliness of those big eyes.
"I... Of couse not! I... I know you... I... always knew these were your beliefs..."
Usopp took a deep inspiration, and put his hands on Rufy's shoulders. His eyes looked the ground, and his cheeks turned red.
"I always knew, your beliefs. That's why I... I accepted to became a part of your crew. That's why... I... I like you the way you are. It's only... It's unusual for you to speak like this. You simply surprised me, we never talk about these philosophical visions of life. I... I'm afraid of these serious things... It... it would be better for you to speak with someone else of these subjects..."
"Do you wanna reach the horizon with me?"
More and more confused, the boy felt his long hair gently moved by the cold december breeze. A lot of works passed in his brain as fast as a flash. He choosen the easiest.
"Yes. That's... That's why I'm here."
"So... Don't leave me...!"- Rufy asked so sadly.
Usopp started trembling.
"What... what do you mean?!" - he sighed almost starting to cry.
"That means: don't leave me. Never leave me. Please, promise."
Rufy's eyes was searching those big black and genuine of the sniper.
"I'm... I'm afraid of you... Rufy... You're... so... so different... "
"Ok, you won't promise me you'll never leave. Just tell me you like this way of life, and you'll stay with me... Ehm, with us as long as you can!"
"I... won't leave you. I don't know why the hell are you talking like this, but it's ok. If you want to play the dark romantic captain, I'll play the spleenic hero. Ok, captain! I'll fight with you until the end, destroying all the enemies and reaching our dreams!!!"
Rufy, surprised of his reaction, didn't understand the answer.
"Spleenic?!"- he asked.
Usopp started to laugh just like his friend a little time before.
"Oh, you're so cute with this question mark impressed on your face!"
Rufy took Usopp's nose in his hand, smiling happily when he started screaming his pain.
"My silly long-nose!!! Let's have dinner, my splee... splee... My splitted hero!!!"
"I don’t wanna be splitted, you idiot!!! Leave my nose! It’s gonna break...!!!”