*blows dust off*

Sep 10, 2020 04:01

The combination of finally leaving schooling behind forever (PhD, get!) and having a ton of extra at home time during the pandemic times has finally gotten me to want to engage in fandom again. I've also been extra nostalgic the last two days, and longing for the good ol' days of LJ. (That one is probably the leaving school and remembering high school times.) For the last oh, 10 or so years, I've been at the outskirts of fandom, mostly chilling on AO3 and occasionally commenting, but I've finally reached the point where I want to talk with people! To squee! Is that term too outdated now?

I've been drifting through cdrama fandoms for a while, and it seems like it'll stick around in my headspace, so I assume it'll be a good jumping back point.

My main joy has been MDZS / the Untamed, but from what I gather, the fandom is mostly on Twitter/Tumblr, maybe with some Discord for flavor? Leaving aside learning a new platform, my problem with those is they're such firehoses of ... large images, which I've always found intimidating! Give me a good wall of text anytime. What to do!

I should go back to that old mainstay of mine -- back in hikago days when I didn't know anyone, I was known for things like commenting on every single blind go fic. I can't imagine fandom has changed so much that that is unwelcome, even if the art heavy style of Twitter/Tumblr is foreign to me.
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