Holy Habadashery

May 05, 2006 00:27

I have no idea what to say, and even though I say I have no idea I will either make this really f'ing long or really short and thats about it.

I get so damn bored when I start one of these things then have no clue about what to put. But I will put something...just cause I can.

I am really enjoying a few of the threads I am on in Fuuin, some are gong really slow though and its like OMG! Shino will not a be a virgin for long as things look, Yuki will prolly alwyas be one unless someone can seriously impress her, Temari is gonna get hooked up permanently with Neji (have done some solo RP with those two and it just works really it does.) Kidou is gonna die, and Shika is about to get massively busy. So yeah I have a lot on my plate but half of it takes forever so there are no real worried there.

In RL matters my fiancee is still having trouble with the work issue, I hope that all clears up soon enough im starting to get worried. My health seems to be taking a turn for the worse. I keep getting these really bad headaches and now im starting to get that pain again. The one I got before where they had to do a cervical biopsy. I am a little scared yeah as cancer runs rampant in my family and so do heart problems woo go me! So I have to wait till my insurance in reinstated and go get this shit taken care of, no matter how painful it all is.

Yeah im done its ong enough.. smut smut smutty smut. There lmao
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